What To Do When You Realize You’re Married To A Narcissist

What To Do When You Realize You’re Married To A Narcissist

It may have started as a fairy tale, but now you’re wondering if your prince charming (or princess) is actually a narcissist. Don’t beat yourself up for missing the signs. Likely there were few, if any, because unfortunately narcissists can be charming, full of romantic gestures and know exactly how to make their partner feel […]

Understanding Grandparent Rights During Divorce

Understanding Grandparent Rights During Divorce

There’s no question how important grandparents can be in a child’s life. In fact, research has shown that closeness between grandparents and grandchildren can improve mental health and emotional well-being for both of you. This benefit, in particular, is helpful when the child’s parents are going through a divorce. This is why, in honor of Grandparent’s Day […]

8 Green Flags And How To Know If You Are In A Healthy Relationship

As a mediator and collaborative divorce practitioner, I’ve unfortunately seen more than my fair share of unhealthy relationships. Perhaps that’s why it always mystifies me that relationship advice more often focuses on negatives like spotting the red flags when simply the absence of them doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve found Mr./Ms. Right. So instead, let’s focus […]

Grey Divorce: What It Is And 5 Tips To Navigate It

It’s a common, albeit sad, statistic that roughly half of all marriages end in divorce. But what’s surprising is that while the divorce rate has gone down or risen only slightly among younger age groups, for adults ages 50 and older it has nearly doubled in the past 25 years according to Pew Research Center. Here’s […]

Divorcing A Narcissist Or No? Learn How Uncommon This Common Label Really Is.

The narcissist label is commonly used these days when relationships begin to unravel. But, is your ex a true narcissist or just a run of the mill jerk? What you may not realize is that narcissism is actually a personality disorder. However, according to the Cleveland Clinic it’s pretty uncommon – up to only 5% […]

10 Things To Never Text Your Ex

It can all too easily happen. You’re lonely, you’re bored, you’ve drunk too much or maybe you just miss that ‘in love’ feeling so you impulsively do it: you text your ex. Trouble is; once it’s sent you can’t take it back, no matter how much you might want to. But aside from embarrassment, if […]

Book Recommendation Roundup During And After Divorce

National Read a Book Day was this month, and while we love any day that encourages reading, we thought, “Why stop there?” especially when reading is so helpful as you learn, grow, heal and find inspiration during and after divorce. In fact, just the act of reading itself can relieve stress! So, we’re compiling all […]

Dealing With Divorce: Court-Ordered Versus Private Mediation

Divorce is unchartered waters for most people. But aside from the emotional complexity, the process itself can be just as challenging. What are the steps? What are the options? Does it have to involve lawyers and court appearances? In fact, often one of the most confusing aspects for soon-to-be exes is the role of mediation […]

5 Ways To Cope With School Holidays Post-divorce

School holidays can be stressful even in the best of circumstances, from taking time off work to entertaining the kids to orchestrating how you’ll get together with all your family and friends; there’s so much to plan. But the thought of all the added stress sure to come with navigating school holidays post-divorce may make […]

5 Tips To Resolve Disputes With A Narcissist (From A Certified Divorce Specialist)

Regardless of whether your ex has actually been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) or exhibits similar traits, you know how easily even everyday disagreements can escalate and how futile your attempts at rational discussion can seem. So, when it comes to complex issues such as divorce, child custody, child support or spousal support you […]

Divorce Like A Pro

A Better Way To Break Up.
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