3 Subtle Signs Your Narcissist Husband Wants A Divorce And When To Get A New York Divorce Lawyer

No spouse wants to hear, “I think we should get a divorce.” Those words don’t always come from narcissistic partners, but if they do, your road is about to get a whole lot bumpier. Narcissists are known to be selfish and manipulative. Some narcissistic individuals even show traits of being unfaithful in the relationship, which […]
How To Protect Yourself During A New York Divorce Court From Your Narcissistic Husband

Amicable divorces are rare, but definitely possible with the right approach. However, going through a New York divorce with a narcissist can be a different nightmare situation altogether. Narcissists remain self-involved to an extreme degree, often ignoring those around them. Genuine narcissists commonly disregard others and their feelings, completely ignoring the impact their behavior can […]
Domestic Violence In Child Custody And Visitation Rights: Your Questions Answered

Being in a violent and difficult-to-navigate relationship is difficult enough; however, things can get more complicated and worrisome when child custody and visitation rights begin to be discussed. Perhaps you are looking for information about what might happen if you leave your current situation or have already left. You seek answers about what happens in […]
Collaborative Divorce: The Best Way To End A Marriage

When we think about divorce, we might picture the movies or the law series where there is a lot of shouting and disagreement – it doesn’t have to be this way. While many emotions are involved in divorce proceedings, many ex-couples can benefit from a gentler and more collaborative process. What Is A Collaborative Divorce? […]
Celebrating International Women’s Day With Five Tips To Empower Healthy Romantic Relationships

In honor of International Women’s Day this month, we want to do our part to empower you, your friends, your sisters, your mothers, your daughters, and all the females everywhere in one of the most important aspects of your life – your relationships. Specifically, helping you identify and maintain healthy romantic relationships. Check out these […]
Understanding Grandparent Rights During Divorce

There are no question how important grandparents can be in a child’s life. In fact, research has shown that closeness between grandparents and grandchildren can improve mental health and emotional well-being for both you. This benefit is helpful when the child’s parents are going through a divorce. Therefore, in honor of Grandparent’s Day on September 13, we’re […]
7 Misconceptions About Mediation
Divorce is difficult enough without having to endure a long, drawn-out, and public court battle. It often ends up more hurtful to families than helpful, not only by further damaging relationships, but also in the time lost, negative financial impact, and the fact your family’s future is left in the control of a judge who’s […]
Tips For Summer Co-Parenting Planning

Summer is here and the kids are on the break which should mean your own break from the school-year scheduling hassles, right? Not necessarily if you’re divorced and co-parenting with your ex. In fact, you may be facing even more stress as you navigate a schedule that has more options – camps, vacations, sports to […]
8 Tips For Dating After Divorce In 2022

Before we get to the ‘how,’ let’s dive into when the right time is to start dating after divorce. The answer is that it depends. The end of a marriage can make you reevaluate everything you thought you knew about relationships, the opposite sex, and even yourself. What’s more, the emotional impact of even the […]
Earth Day Ideas: The Why’s And How’s Of Virtual Breakups

Earth Day is about raising awareness of the need to protect our planet’s natural resources and learning how you can do your part for the environment. You’ll hear about planting trees, conserving water, recycling, and reducing your use of plastics, and we’ve got another one for you: virtual breakups. Surprising, right? However, with no vehicle […]